Article on TOFU within the newsletter of the University Hospital Bonn in 2019
Unfortunately only available in German language.
The new uveitis registry is headed by Prof. Robert Finger, University Eye clinic Bonn, and Prof. Carsten Heinz, Eye clinic at St. Franziskus-Hospital Münster.
Registries are known for their suitability to do research on rare diseases such as uveitis. For rare diseases the course of disease as well as the course of treatment are often insufficiently investigated and documented. Methods applied within the routine care, for e.g. the applied therapy, suffer from a lack of evidence-based research. This is also true for the non-infectious uveitis of the posterior eye segment (so-called intermediate, posterior and panuveitis or non-anterior uveitis). Uveitis is rare inflammatory disease of the eye that might lead to severe eye damage, loss of vision and might even cause blindness.